Happy Builder’s Day!

Dear colleagues,

Happy Builder’s Day!

This day appeared in the holiday calendar in the middle of the 20th century. Today we celebrate it as a national holiday that brings together builders, designers, surveyors, architects, engineers and other construction specialists.

A builder is a doer and creator. A civil engineer of the 21st century, having deep knowledge and modern technologies, creates facilities that capture the imagination with their power and reliability.

Today you are facing new, time-demanded challenges to introduce advanced technologies and engineering solutions, effectively manage changes and improve your professional and personal competencies.

All this will enable us to flexibly change the ideology of creating future facilities and be a demanded and competitive company in the market while maintaining the core of a professional engineering culture.

Wishing you fruitful activities, success to implement new projects, professional achievements, inexhaustible energy and optimism.

Good health to you and your dearest.


ONHP Chief Executive Officer                                                                       Igor M. Zuga

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

12 August 2022