New Treatment Facilities to Be Constructed at Omsk Refinery OM1 7.02.2017

New Treatment Facilities to Be Constructed at Omsk Refinery

На омском нефтезаводе построят очистные сооружения


With new facilities loading on city treatment facilities will be reduced.

Amount of investments is at least 17 billion rubles.

 Omsk Refinery started preparatory works to construct enclosed-type treatment facilities. New ecologic project is included into Federal Plan of measures and into Gazpromneft Oil Refining Modernization Program.

Consequent reduction of harmful impact on the environment is one of key priorities of this modernization program.

New treatment facilities will have multilevel water treatment system including biological, mechanical, physical, chemical treatment, ultraviolet disinfection and carbon filtration.

Project process solutions will enable 17 times reducing general area of treatment facilities at the Omsk Refinery along with their capacity increase by 20%. Due to innovative technologies loading on the city treatment facilities will be also reduced since around 70% of water will return to the Refinery process cycle.

Gazpromneft invests into this project around 17 billion rubles. The project was developed by Russian design institute ONHP. It is expected that new treatment facilities will be put into operation in 2 019.

07 Februar 2017