New day & new opportunities

One of the key events of the past week was the working visit of Enter Engineering delegation headed by Mr. Bobur B. UMAROV, UNG-2 Projects Department Director.

Specialists from both companies meet regularly, so, two weeks earlier, ONHP Project Chief Engineer visited the construction site in Fergana and took part in the meeting at the company's head office. This approach enables projects parties to clearly coordinate the working process, competently and promptly managing changes.

Within the meetings, the specialists discussed not only the progress of the current project, but also the opportunities of future cooperation.

It is symbolic that the meeting took place on the eve of one of the main public holidays of Uzbekistan, the Navruz, which means “New day” in Uzbek.

Summarizing the negotiations Mr. Igor M. ZUGA noted that they were very constructive. “Both parties are always open to dialogue, we find mutual understanding and see new opportunities for further joint work,” emphasized ONHP Chief Executive Officer.

25 March 2022