Young, Intelligent and Lively or ONHP Young Professionals

Solemn Initiation Ceremony for Young Professionals was held at PAO OMSKNEFTEKHIMPROEKT (ONHP). Omsk universities graduates became a part of the company’s team. Mr. Igor M. ZUGA, ONHP CEO, addressed his commencement speech to young engineers.

Official ceremony for young professionals with awarding them special badges of honor is longstanding tradition at ONHP. For many years Initiation Ceremony became a special day for each member of professional team and for the whole company where common goal success depends on the level of knowledge, competences, mutual help and skill of working and having rest together.

Before the Ceremony young engineers who work for ONHP within 1 to 3 years undergo professional evaluation initiated by Human Resources Department. Within this period they pass tests, confirm competences and provide professional and personal development plans. Expert committee includes honored company’s veterans, leading engineers, discipline heads. Judging by the results Human Resources Department develops rating summarizing young engineers’ proficiency level, their opportunities regarding further professional career path. Awarding top-ranked young professionals and best mentors, conferring ONHP commemorative bronze tokens and Best Mentors challenge pennant – all these events are a part of Initiation Ceremony essential for staff members who are employed in the company for one year or more.

Newcomers only expect crossing over all stages of professional development side-by-side with their experienced mentors as well as annual confirmation of competences and knowledge level. But Ceremony evening is a holiday for them.

ONHP’s veterans, principals and students of patronized schools and Mr. Igor M. ZUGA, ONHP CEO, addressed parting words to young engineers. Company CEO highlighted ONHP’s role in specialists training. “I am proud of our company which preserves traditions of Russian engineering school. In the company there is a special system of personnel training “School-University-Company” which allows training competent engineers. Requirements for engineers are increasing and we will take it into account. Establishment of ONHP-based faculties in collaboration with universities, participation in development of curricula for students – all these will enable us training the best engineers”.

The Ceremony was finished with the song by young professionals dedicated to ONHP.


12 December 2016